
Thursday, April 23, 2009


This featured media is a robot coach that is designed to help people find all the best ways to lose weight. Most people always have a problem in this area, so imagine having a great sociable, weight-loss instructor 24/7. You will have the best body ever, as it will help you meet your goals. This product will be most effective for over-weight people. Also people would have the coach at their house that would be constantly reminding them of their workout schedule and what they should or should not be eating opposed from following a piece of paper that a normal dietitian would give you. If all these people had this robot coach everyone would be the the size that they want and would be more comfortable with their body size. People wont feel insecure about their bodies they will lean to love their body. 


This invention retrieves many different aspects from past technology. One of the main aspects this weight-loss robot coach retrieves is the knowledge from dietitians and personal fitness trainers. This invention will replaces the job of a dietitian and personal trainers. Scientists programmed all the knowledge along with all the new and improved ways to lose weight that dietitians and personal trainer may not know into the robot.


Fitness Trainers, dietitians and the heart rate/calorie systems that are on most of the fitness machines will be obsolesced by the robot coach. The robot coach it is a much better instructor and has high tech systems that are designed to be more effective than actual humans.Its been proven to be more successful. 


The robot coach will obviously replace the average dietitian and fitness trainers, because when society sees that their is a new product out in the market that makes their body better than what dietitians and personal trainers can do; they will all start buying the robot coach.This invention will put personal trainers and dietitians out of business, as they will no longer be needed. The factor that this invention will reverse when pushed to its outer limit is that society may get obsessed with their body appearance.